


assistant/joined in 2021

I came to Japan in 2018 to work as an engineer in the concrete industry. I discovered HI-TEC Inc. through a friend's recommendations. I decided to join the company because I was studying geology at the University of Mining and Geology in Vietnam and wanted to work in geological survey.

our mission

I work as an assistant drilling engineer.
I assist the operator drilling engineer with drill operation and maintenance of equipment. The captain is very good at extracting core samples and teaches me with easy and clear instructions, so it is an excellent opportunity to learn. The borehole investigations are mainly related to dams and landslides in the mountains.

our rewarding

Geological survey work is excellent because I can utilize the geological knowledge I learned at university.
Japan is an exciting country because geological conditions vary from region to region.
I enjoy the work because I can do borehole investigations across Japan.
I never heard of extracting good-quality core samples from borehole investigations in Vietnam. I was amazed at the high level of Japanese technology.
In addition, when learning Japanese, I utilized apps on my smartphone to practice listening, hearing, grammar, and other skills.

messages to those considering joining us

It is essential to watch and learn the job well in the beginning.
Initially, it is crucial to look carefully and remember the work. Even if it takes time, remembering things well will make your job easier. There are many Vietnamese people; therefore, asking questions about things you need help understanding is easy.
In addition, my wife currently works in Japan, and I would like to bring my three children from Vietnam to Japan. I like this company because I can get my family to stay with me in Japan.